Sunday, 15 November 2015


Forgiveness is the virtue that is most difficult to practice. We forgive so that we may heal others and move forward. Forgiveness allows our hearts to stay open so that we may flow love rather than remain contracted. We must choose to be loving and contribute our love to the world. It liberates us from holding on to the past. Mark Twain rightly said, “Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it” Let us try to be more forgiving though some times it hurts.

To be Truthful is to be Human

The birth of every child reveal that there is good in each human being. Truthfulness is innate in each human being. A person is good and truthful from birth but the society, which is a human creation, defiles the human being. Therefore we don’t find all human beings being truthful, but it is innate in each human being, and so we can say, “To be truthful is to be human.” I don’t restrict the word ‘Truthful’ to mean only ‘being realistic’ or ‘telling or expressing the truth.’ I want to see it in a broader perspective that is, being truthful is to be reliable or faithful, loving, kind, generous, patient and all human qualities which make a human being, a human being.
            For example we can say that lord Ram had all these qualities impregnated in him. He was told that he had to go to exile and he knew the reason why he was sent into exile. He was sent into exile due to the evil intentions of Bharat’s (Ram’s brother) mother, so that her son Bharat might become king. As we all know, when Bharat went to meet Ram, he (Ram) did not take revenge or have guilt feelings for Bharat. The lord Ram accepted Bharat with open arms and without guilt. He had love for his brother.
            In today’s world many people have taken the shortcuts in life. Many have adopted the insincere, unfaithful and untruthful life. They do many wrong things but deep down in their heart they hear the inner voice which I would call as truthfulness. It is as precious as a pearl, found in the oyster deep down in the sea. Once you get it you feel, you are the top of the world. In the same way truthfulness is also a pearl of great value in our life. Whoever discovers this pearl (truthfulness) has great value in life, and life full of values is a true life. We are called to live life to the full and we can live life to the full only if we are truthful to ourselves and to the people with whom we live. Being human is nothing but to understand other human beings and feel their feelings. Therefore to be truthful is to be human.
            “to be truthful means to be yourself.” Why do people take the wrong path? Because they messed up their lives and don’t have time to be themselves. Once we realize the treasure within, we don’t need to be accepted by others, because people throw stones at good fruit bearing trees and not at bad trees. In the same way if your inner self says something, you must do it. To hear our inner self we need to be by ourselves and in a state of calm. Many of the great people (Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Baba Ambedkar and many more) have become great because they have faced the difficulties and insults and strengthen themselves by hearing their inner voice telling them to stand firm in truthfulness.
            Nothing in nature is for itself, rivers don’t drink water, trees don’t eat fruits, the sun doesn’t give heat or shine for itself. Living for others is the true way of living human life. Many a time we take our lives for granted, which is very bad on our part. Big buildings are built with small bricks. In the same way we must enjoy the little things in life, for one day we will look back and realize the they were the big things. The habit of being truthful needs to be taken care of at the beginning then only in future life, one can start living a truthful life. Truthful life is the identity of living a true human life.
            People, who understood the true value of life, lived their lives to the full and lived it truthfully and meaningfully. As William Penn rightly said, “I expect to pass through life but once. It therefore, there is any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it , as I shall not pass this way again.” Keeping his (William Penn) words in mind whoever lives, lives to the full. Understanding all aspects of life and balancing ones life “is to be a truthful human being”   

Simplify Life

Life is not so simple, it is complicated. Who make the life so difficult? God created the life simple, but it is we who make the life complicated. Some one rightly said, “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”
     When I think about the village life, it is quite simple. Being a religious I too am called to learn to live a simple life. when life is less complicated, we feel more balanced and peaceful. Let us strive to live a simple life.


Buddha says, “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” It is very true when you share you double your happiness. There is much to share in both the inner and outer aspects of life and there are many different ways in which to share. We can share what we have, and what we know, but most of all we can share who we are from the heart. 

Respect Others’ Views

Man can not live in isolation and so he needs others’ help to survive in life. We know that we need others’ help, and so we need to respect others’ views too. If we don’t respect others views than we are contributing in the culture of use and throw. We don’t respect the person but we respect him because of our own selfish motives. In this way we objectify a person.
     For the sake of humanity, we need to respect others and their views. Once we learn to accept and respect others view, we can do the things in a very creative way. When I involve others I get many ideas and in this way I can be more creative. So let us accept and respect others views and be more creative.


Every good turn of ours is received by some or the other living beings. Ivan Panin rightly said, “For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.” We need to honor this in our own self by being open to receive what the others have to offer us. Every day we receive many things from God but we take them for granted. God has blessed us with senses and we receive many things through our senses but we fail to realize them. today let us be aware of the things we receive from others and be thankful to God.  


Many a time we want things to be done as we want, we don’t accept things as they are, and we want them immediately. We don’t have the patience to wait.
     We need to remember that when we are impatient, we feel irritated, angry and sometimes say unkind things that we later regret. In this way we hurt many people and break many relations. We are grateful when others are patient with us, so let us take a deep breath and take a resolution to  practise patience.

Honouring Agreements

“Your life works to the degree you keep your agreements,”- Werner Erhard. All of us want respect and dignity in life. Respect and dignity come when we keep our words and agreements. It is dishonoring of both ourselves and others when we don’t honor an agreement, whether big or small. If we do what we agreed to do, we are living with integrity, honesty and authenticity. By honoring agreements we stay balanced and create balance in the world we live in. let us keep our words and promises and create a balanced world.  

Have Fun

Some one rightly said, “The more fun you have, the greater your value to yourself and to your society. The more fun you share with others, the more fun you have.” We went for our Hike last Sunday to a place call Sinnar. We really had a good time there; hiking, playing, doing some action songs and having fun together.
     The end of day was really a tiring one but we really had a lot of fun. Now I believe that the more fun you share with others, the more fun you have. Once you know how to share your happiness with others you can have lot of friends and  more fun.


Forgiveness is the virtue that is most difficult to practice. We forgive so that we may heal others and move forward. Forgiveness allows our hearts to stay open so that we may flow love rather than remain contracted. We must choose to be loving and contribute our love to the world. It liberates us from holding on to the past. Mark Twain rightly said, “Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it” Let us try to be more forgiving though some times it hurts.


The family is an institution for society. It shapes the society, because it is the workshop where characters are shaped and the garden where all virtues are planted to bloom in future life. So let us enjoy our family life and improve our societies, our country and the world at large.