Wednesday, 23 September 2015

I am only…

Many a time I think, how can I do this thing? I am only a cleric. How can I do that I am only a student, and the list goes on. This happen, may be because I have low self-esteem.
      On the other hand one can take this as the only means to escape from responsibilities. When you don’t want to do certain things, you may say that, “It is not in my hands because I am only…”  If you don’t give bribe, this tend happen mostly in government offices. Not only that, but if we are not careful it may happen in our own lives. We may find ourselves living life half heartedly.

Heaven on earth

Heaven is not a physical place, located perhaps on a planet at the edge of the universe. Heaven is God’s loving space and it exists wherever he is. In Scripture and Christian history the very word “Heaven” speaks of God’s presence. For example (Gen. 28:17) Heaven surrounds us because God is in everything and is with us. When God touches our lives he acts not from a distant place above the sky. He reaches out to us from heaven, his living space with us, that is, his presence

God created evil

God is master and creator of all things. He knows what is good and what is evil for His creature. He knows that his creatures are weak and they may fall into temptations. He knows that it is His creation and He need to be there with His creature always. He also knows that some of his creatures would neglect Him. He has given free will to his creatures. He respects the will of his creatures.
     God created shadows; it was in order to better emphasize the light. In the same way God created evil, in order to better emphasize the good. So the evil which we see in the world is purely created God. He is responsible for all these sufferings in the world. This is what people believe in the present situation.

      But what I believe in, contradictory to present situation. No, God is not purely responsible for the sufferings in the world. But I believe that we contribute in creating evil in the world. God loves us so much that he even gets good out of evil for us so that we may realize the goodness of God. We tend to forget God’s goodness and again embrace the evil and deny God. But God still loves us. 

I have no hands but yours

God so loved the world that he sent his only son for our salvation. We so hated God that we killed his only son. After his death on the cross it is not over but just begins. It is just begin by Jesus begging with us. He says, “I have no hands, but yours my son. That’s why I come into your hands each morning. Lend me your hands so that I may still work wonders in your life as well as in the life of people you love and hate.” Let us heed the pleading of Jesus and allow him to work wonders in people’s lives.

Love of the Lord

There is only one love that is the love of the Lord. All other loves are sparks of that divine love. One day a spark of love (that is my friend) sent me a card on my birthday. In it she had painted: “today I caught myself smiling, and I wondered why! Then I realized that I was thinking of you. It is your birthday.” I wrote back, “These days I too catch myself smiling often, but then I don’t wonder why. For I know that I am thinking of you, and that you are thinking of me too.

     Then, when I was praying a thought came to my mind about God and I asked God, “do you lord, catch yourself smiling when you think of me? I think God must often find himself smiling while thinking of me. For I know and he can’t possibly hide it from me that he is in love with me because I am too in deep love with him.

Time Is a Gift

Imagine that you have won the prize. And each morning your bank would deposit 86,400 Rs/ in your private account for you to use.
However, this prize has some rules, just as any other game has certain rules.
  The first set of rules would be:
Everything that you don’t spend during each day would be taken away from you.
You can not simply transfer your money into some one else’s account, but you can only spend it.
Each morning when you getup, the bank opens your account with another 86,400 Rs/ for that day.
  The second set of rules:
The bank can end the game without warning; at any time it can say,
it’s over, the game is over!
It can close the account and you will not receive a new one.
  What would you do about it?
You would buy anything and everything you wanted, not only for yourself, but for all people you love, right?
Even for people you don't know, because you cannot possibly spend it all on yourself,
you will try to spend every penny, right?
 Each of us is in possession of such a magical bank. Many a times we just take for granted.
Each morning when we getup we receive 86,400 seconds as a gift of life, and when we go to sleep at night, any remaining time is NOT credited to us. What we haven't lived up that day is forever lost. Yesterday is gone forever.
Each morning the account is refilled, but the bank can dissolve your account at any time.... without warning.
  So, what will YOU do with your 86,400 seconds?
 Don’t they worth more than the same amount of money?
Think about it…
Enjoy every second of your life, because time flies so fast than you think.
So take care of yourself, be happy, and enjoy life!

  Good Day to you all…

The Apple

Recently I was reading a book called “Wit and wisdom of good pope John 23rd. as we all know that he was a Pope with humor. I want to share a joke which I read in his book and so joke goes like this; once at a banquet the Apostolic Nuncio to France found himself seated next to an elegant lady in a dress cut over generously low in the neck. When dessert was served, he invited her to take the apple which he held out to her. Since the lady showed surprise at this gesture, Msgr. Roncalli added: “do take it , Madam, please do. It was only after Eve ate the apple that she became aware of how little she had on!”